Current reports
Number of reports found: 439
17.06.2019Information on the execution of an agreement on sale of shares of the company Firma Oponiarska Dębica by the funds managed by Rockbridge TFI
02.04.2019Information on the execution of an agreement on takeover of management of an investment fund
28.03.2019Information on the execution of an agreement on takeover of management of an investment fund.
25.03.2019Resignation and appointment of a President of the Management Board of ALTUS TFI S.A.
22.03.2019Taking over the management of the investment fund
07.03.2019Assets under management of ALTUS TFI S.A.
01.03.2019Resolution of the Company's Management Board regarding the recommendation of profit distribution
12.02.2019Resignation of a Member of the Management Board of ALTUS TFI S.A.
07.02.2019Assets under management of ALTUS TFI S.A.
17.01.2019Information on the dates of publishing periodic reports in financial year 2019