Number of reports found: 466
28.04.2017List of shareholders possessing at least 5% of the overall number of votes at Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of ALTUS TFI S.A. on 28 April 2017
28.04.2017Information on resolutions made by Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of ALTUS TFI S.A.
13.04.2017Acquisition of shares in the share capital of the subsidiary Company – ALTUS Agent Transferowy sp. z o.o.
06.04.2017Assets under management of ALTUS TFI S.A.
05.04.2017Conclusion of a conditional share purchase agreement regarding the acquisition of 100% of shares in BPH TFI and disclosure of delayed inside information concerning commencement of negotiations
05.04.2017Disclosure of delayed inside information concerning commencement of negotiations
31.03.2017Information on convening the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of ALTUS TFI S.A. including draft resolutions
20.03.2017ALTUS TFI's financial statement for 2016
16.03.2017Taking over the management of the investment fund
09.03.2017Appointment of independent auditor